Python tutorial : Variables and Datatypes.

Before getting started:

To write python code you will need some sort of a text editor or an IDE (Integrated Development Environment ) to highlight and execute the code you write,  when you install python it comes with its own IDLE, it contains two main components: the shell and the text editor. The shell appears when you run the code, you can also type a code that you want and it will be executed immediately, for now, we want to use the text editor. you can search for it and double-click it to open it, if you are done, you are ready to go and continue the tutorial. open a new file from the file menu.

What is a Variable?

A Variable is nothing but a container where you can store a certain value. Variables can store different types of data(We will talk about data types later). To declare a variable you have to give it a name and assign it to a value using the assignment operator " = ". A valid variable name has certain conditions :
  • it must start with a letter or underscore character " _ ".
  • it can't start with a number.
  • it can contain only alpha-numeric characters and underscores(A-Z, 0-9, " _ ").
  • variables in python are case-sensitive(variable isn't the same as VARIABlE and not as Variable).
you can declare a variable as below: 

variable_name = "value"

to show things on the screen you can use print() and type the thing you want to show or the variable name:
variable = 1
# the output : 1

Main Datatypes :

  • Int : integer numbers 
  • float : number with decimal point.
  • Str: string, any series of characters included between quotes (double quotes " " or single quotes ' ' ).
  • Bool: boolean value, has one of the two values true or false.
  • none: means null, undefined variables and objects.
  • list : can store more than one piece of data.
  • dict: dictionary , used to store key-value pairs( each property associated with its own value).

age = 15 # int
pi = 3.14 # float
name = "Rawan Amr" # String
isProgrammer = True # Boolean
Nothing = None # none, we usually don't declare None variables this way , we will learn about it later
fruits = ["apple", "strawberry", "bananas"] # list
phoneBook = {
   "Rawan" : "123456",
    "Amr" : "678910",
    "Abdulsattar" : "2468"
} # Dictionary

Notes :

1 . Everything greyed out (not highlighted) after " #" is called a comment, you write them to explain to yourself and others what the code does. 

# I am an comment

2 . In Python we don't put a semicolon "" after the end of each line, you don't have to do it as you do in many other languages as Dart for example.


That was it for this post , follow me , like ,share if you like it and if you have any comments type them in the comment section below and thanks for reading.

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